In the sector of Install & Maintain ( Electrical & Mechanical ) Services ,TKC Company has long experience in the design and implementation of mechanical work through the specialized team and good relations with companies specialized in this field regarding (installation and operation of water purification plants, and gasoline improve unit, ceilings in different sizes, installation various sizes of steel tanks, manufacture of various types of large steel doors electric or manual.
- Reverse osmosis plants.
- Central water filtration systems.
- Softeners and filters. Industrial filters.
- Doing pumps and Accessories.
- Disinfection Systems.
- Water Networks.
- Different Types of Pumps.
- Different Types of Water Storage Tanks.
- Different Types of Water compact unit 25 m3/hr, 50m3/hr, 100m3/hr, 200m3/hr fabrication and implementation (Local and pre manufacture water compact units).
- Reverse osmosis plants.
- Central water filtration systems.
- Softeners and filters. Industrial filters.
- Doing pumps and Accessories.
- Disinfection Systems.
- Water Networks.
- Different Types of Pumps.
- Different Types of Water Storage Tanks.
- Different Types of Water compact unit 25 m3/hr, 50m3/hr, 100m3/hr, 200m3/hr fabrication and implementation (Local and pre manufacture water compact units).